Quality software solutions

Welcome to SOLVINQ, the specialist in innovative software solutions for organizations active in the storage systems industry.

Our expertise includes in-depth knowledge of ‘racking & shelving’, along with related industrial standards and guidelines, combined with advanced skills in developing modern and secure web applications.

Curious about the added value that SOLVINQ can bring to your organization?

Feel free to contact us without hesitation.

More about us


Our software is reliable, ensuring secure and error-free configurations, reducing the lead time for generating quotes, and providing engineers and designers with more freedom for other tasks.


Our innovative CSPQ software is unique in the storage systems industry. With our Solver, we can truly shape the Configure, Price, Quote process.


With over 25 years of experience in the sector and our extensive knowledge, we can support and relieve companies with our expertise and applications.


At SOLVINQ, we love creating beautiful, innovative, and user-friendly web applications to help our clients streamline their operations and enhance their overall efficiency.

Our Team

Behind SOLVINQ stands a team of dedicated professionals with years of experience and a shared passion for technology and software development. At SOLVINQ, we are not just builders of software and systems. Our engineers and developers join forces to develop solutions that exceed expectations.

Jan Willem Frederiks

Founder / co-owner

Technical Architect

E: j.frederiks@solvinq.com
T: +31 (0)6 53 91 80 81

Marc Tangelder

Founder / co-owner

Software Architect

E: m.tangelder@solvinq.com
T: +31 (0)6 53 83 98 37

Jeroen Hermsen

Full Stack Developer &
Structural Engineer

E: j.hermsen@solvinq.com

Fabian Tuender

Azure Specialist &

E: f.tuender@solvinq.com
  • Extensive industry knowledge
  • Continuous innovation
  • Safety & quality assurance

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Want to learn more?

Interested in our services or would you like a demonstration of one of our applications? Send us a message via the form or get in touch with us.